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Martijn Boland Blog

Cuyahoga 2.0 Alpha released

/ 1 min read

Just a little post to let you know that I released the first Alpha of the next generation of the Cuyahoga CMS yesterday. For the people who don’t know Cuyahoga: it’s a .NET CMS that uses lots of Open Source components like NHibernate, Castle Windsor and Lucene.NET. Although not as polished as Umbraco or Dotnetnuke, I think it still shines when doing custom module and template development.

Development has been a long journey. Already back in 2006 we started development for the 2.0 version. In that time most of the work was done by Max Gaerber. He did a fantastic job in the design of the generic handling of content items.

Then somewhere in 2007 we started the new admin with Castle Monorail, did a spike with the first ASP.NET MVC, changed back to Monorail and finally changed to ASP.NET MVC again. The switch from ASP.NET WebForms to MVC for the site admin allowed us to do some pretty advanced AJAX stuff. The result is still a little rough around the edges, but it’s usable for experimental purposes.

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