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Martijn Boland Blog

Staying out of .NET Open Source dependency hell

/ 2 min read

Probably all consumers of Open Source .NET libraries have run into the following situation: you’re using specific versions of library X and library Y in your application but library X also uses library Y, but a different incompatible version. Aaarrrghh!!!

A classic example of Dependency Hell.

There are technical solutions out there that address this issue such as Horn or Maven for Java, but I think there is an alternative non-technical solution: Just reduce the amount of libraries that you depend on.

This might sound silly because why re-invent the wheel? Well, you don’t have to. Let’s take a concrete example. I was using MvcContrib’s Castle Windsor controller factory in a project, but then, when I upgraded Castle Windsor it didn’t work anymore. Of course there wasn’t a new version of MvcContrib released yet that depended on the new Castle Windsor, so I had to build a new version from source. Then I started looking at the code and realized that it was just one simple class from the library that I was using. So I created copy & pasted a Windsor Controller factory class in my own project and got rid of one external dependency. Yes, I’m promoting Copy & Paste development here!

Of course, I’m not advocating that you should get rid of all your dependencies, but it might be wise to have a look at the dependencies and evaluate if you can get without some of them with just a little bit of work. This can save you from a lot of trouble, especially when you’re the type of programmer like me that wants to run the latest and greatest version of everything but not wants to build everything from source over and over again.

What works for me is the following guideline: try to keep away from libraries that use other (non-Microsoft base class) libraries if there are reasonable alternatives.