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Martijn Boland Blog

Hey, something's changed!

/ 1 min read

Today, I moved this blog from SubText to WordPress. All was going fine with SubText, but WordPress is so much more sophisticated these days, I couldn’t resist it :).

Since the server is running IIS6 and not the usual LAMP stack, I was prepared for some struggling, but it was pretty easy.

I started with installing the IIS FastCGI extension, PHP 5.2.8 and MySQL 5.1.30. After that, I only had to install WordPress and things were ready to roll.

For pretty extensionless urls, I found the Ionics Isapi Rewrite Filter that also redirects the old SubText url’s to the new pretty ones.

The most challenging part was migrating the old posts from SubText to WordPress, but luckily, I wasn’t the first one who attempted this.

Please leave a comment if something is broken, or when you find links that point to the old blog.